
Responsible for contents and editing:
Dr. Mag. Arch. Arq. Laura P. Spinadel & Team
A-1180 Vienna, Schulgasse 36/2/1

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© Copyright 2016 BUSarchitektur. All rights reserved.

The contents, structure and design of the web pages are protected by copyright. Reproduction of information or data hereof, in particular the use of texts, text excerpts or pictorial material, requires the prior written consent of BUSarchitektur, Dr. Laura P. Spinadel.
BUSarchitektur. Dr. Laura P. Spinadel withholds the right to amend or supplement the information made available at any time.

The materials and information provided on the Holistic Villages homepage have been reviewed with great care. However, BUSarchitektur, Dr. Laura P. Spinadel cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or validity of the information provided. Any liability on the part of BUSarchitektur, Dr. Laura P. Spinadel is therefore expressly excluded. Links to external websites have been carefully chosen. However, since BUSarchitektur, Dr. Laura P. Spinadel has no influence on the contents of external websites, BUSarchitektur, Dr. Laura P. Spinadel assumes no responsibility for them.

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